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Stare at this picture for 1 minute and a ghost will come out! It really Works!

Yes! Yes! Die Kenny! Die!

Don't be fooled by this seemingly cute little guy! He's really an EVIL LITTLE RABBIT BASTARD!

This is how the evil rabbit tortures his victims!

Stare at the blue dot for 30 seconds, it will disappear!


I've done it! I've found the only thing on this planet stupider than Homer! I caught this little pathetic maggot trying to sabotage my site! Good thing he's an idiot!

Behold, the future of weapons! This baby: The OICW, will replace the M16, M4 Carbine and the M203 Grenade Launcher.

Eat the little bastard mosquito!

Tony Hawk doin' the 900!

Yes! Yes! Abduct kenny and kill him!

Freaky, huh?

Oh my God! They blew up the White House! Uh... oh well.

That was pretty cool.

That's my smiley!

That is just... so cool.

Took me a while to figure that one out... I still don't quite get it...